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MAB Associate Memberships

Become An Associate Member

What if you could reach every radio and television station in Michigan with just one email? Do you have press releases to distribute or need a way to contact news assignment editors, promotions people, or just a local station for event coverage?

The Michigan Association of Broadcasters offers an Associate Membership for organizations that need this access. Our partnerships have helped organizations in many ways, including education and awareness to increase vaccination rates,  providing resource locations for aiding veterans, and working with programs to raise funding for students from foster care to go to college.

MAB Associate Members have a unique opportunity to expand their brand and reach audiences that may be unaware of resources or events you provide. We would like to offer you the opportunity to partner with our organization through Associate Membership to benefit your organization goals. You can view some of our current Community Partners here.

If you are interested in joining the Michigan Association of Broadcasters and gaining access to these benefits and more, please contact Sara Siegmann by emailing your application form or questions to, or call at 517-999-9323.

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