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National EAS Test Successful in Michigan and Nationwide

October 6, 2023

This past Wednesday's (10/4) nationwide tests of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts appear to be a success both in Michigan and across the nation.  The EAS test this year was conducted using the Internet IPAWS CAP feed to EAS units located in each EAS participant's facility.

Following the test, the MAB polled stations throughout the state, including local primary stations as well as others that participate in the Michigan EAS discussion group and really only discovered minor issues that fell outside the test itself.  In one case, a station did not have an EAS device in service as it was returned to the manufacturer for repair and in another case, there was an apparent issue accessing the the FCC's EAS Test Reporting System (ETRS).  This was most likely caused by the number of stations nationwide attempting to file their required reports following the test.  However, this issue soon cleared up for the broadcaster affected.

The high quality of the test audio was applauded by many broadcasters in the MAB survey.

Your MAB did note that many stations actually received the test first from other sources prior to receiving the Internet IPAWS CAP feed.  This doesn't appear to be an issue, however as the system worked as designed.  That said, a required software update due to be mandated by December 12 requires alerts received via over-the-air EAS data tones be held while the possible presence of a matching IPAWS CAP alert is checked for and then used preferentially.

Nationwide, Radio World reported similar results for the test as did Michigan.

The Michigan EAS discussion list is available to any broadcaster or EAS participant in the state and has proven helpful in resolving EAS issues.  To subscribe, simply send an email to MAB's Dan Kelley:



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