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NATAS Michigan Honors Six at Gold & Silver Circle Ceremonies

October 20, 2023

national academy of tv arts and sciencesThis past Sunday (10/16), the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Michigan Chapter, inducted six honorees into the  distinguished Gold & Silver Circles.  One of the highest honors given by NATAS, the Michigan Silver Circle recognizes television professionals who have performed distinguished service within the television industry for 25 years or more, a significant part of which was done within the chapter’s region of Michigan.

Gold Circle inductees have served the industry for 50 years or more. Silver and Gold Circle members are honored for more than their longevity — they are honored for making an enduring contribution to the vitality of the television industry and for setting standards of achievement we can all hope to emulate. These honorees also give back to the community as mentors, educators, and volunteers.

Candidates will have made significant contributions not only to the industry, but to their communities. Candidates and/or their sponsors are to submit the following information for evaluation and selection by the Gold/Silver Circle® Committee.

The ceremonies followed a reception and luncheon at the Motor City Casino.

Inducted this year:

Jim Brandstatter (Gold Circle)
Jack Doles (Silver Circle)
WOOD-TV (Grand Rapids)
Michelle Galarno (Silver)
WNEM-TV (Saginaw)
Jim Geyer (Retired) (Silver Circle)
WLNS-TV (Lansing
Amanie Mokdad (Silver Circle)
Makeup by Amanie
Robin Schwartz (Silver Circle)
Robin Schwartz PR
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